The Delaware Public Humanities Institute (DELPHI) is a two-week session in which Summer Fellows strengthen their digital and public presentation skills. Following the Institute, students develop a presentation to be given to a non-academic audience. Many students give their presentation as part of a course on “objects as artifacts” offered each spring at the University’s Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Such skills, including the ability to make academic research meaningful to the broad public, are critical elements for the continued relevance of the humanities as well as practical tools for a range of career trajectories. DELPHI includes sessions targeting a variety of approaches to material culture studies along with hands-on experience with the new media technologies that museum educators and universities are using to strengthen public programming in the arts and humanities. Arwen Mohun, Professor and Chair of History, and Erik P. Rau, Director of Library Services at the Hagley Museum and Library, will jointly chair the 2015 Summer Institute, which will be held from 01-12 June on campus. To learn more, visit the institute’s Facebook page