Plenary Lecture & Panel


 SATURDAY MORNING PLENARY – The Economy and STEM Jobs: 2016 and Beyondkara_bls

The state of the economy, government and science … during your career. A summary of the labor and job prospects including `real’ employment data relevant to the nation and region for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Occupations from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics .

BLS_logo Kara L. Markley is a regional economist at the U.S. Department of Labor – Bureau of Labor Statistics office in Philadelphia. She has more than 100 publications related to the US economy and labor market. She will present employment data and projections to help make informed job search decisions in STEM occupations.



SUNDAY MORNING PANEL – Industry & Academia Careers

Head Panelist: Dr. Tomek Kott
(Research Scientist at University Affiliated Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/ Primarily Department of Defense, Department of Homeland Security, NASA, and NSA )

This one-hour session will include speakers from various industries and academy with job descriptions ranging across basic R&D, industry, government, and teaching. The session will discuss personal perspectives on careers in physics and the future of these positions. Questions the panel will address include: What scientific questions have you been able to pursue? How did you find your job? What are definitions of success in your line of work? What skills have you found most useful from your undergraduate and graduate work? A general question and answer session will conclude the session.

Dr. Amy Lytle
(Tenure-track Professor at 4 yr college, Franklin & Marshall)
Dr. Sergey Novikov
(Research and Development at Industrial Company, Northrop Grumman)
Dr. Andrew Zwicker
(Government Sponsored Laboratory, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory / Department of Energy)
Dr. Adebanjo Oriade
(Non-tenure track professor at research institution, University of Delaware)



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