UDash 2019

Welcome to University of Delaware! Lerner International Student Association (L.I.S.A) is thrilled to invite you to our most popular event named UDash!

Out goals are to:
>Help new students get familiar with UD campus.
>Give students the chance to experience teamwork, meet people and make new friends.

The idea of the competition is for you to form a team of 2-3 students. You and your team will have to travel around campus and get stamps in your UDash passport at every destination you go to. Three fastest teams, who complete their journey successfully, will get prizes and gift cards.
We will provide detailed rules of UDash 2019 Competition when you arrive at Trabant Student Center at 2:45 pm before the competition starts. Make sure to stop at L.I.S.A. desk to get your team’s passport and say Hi!
You can also enjoy refreshments during coffee hour organized by OISS after competition ends.

Wait no more! Register Now and start new chapter of your life with fun activities like UDash and new friends from all over the world!

August 30th (Fri.), 2019

Competition starts at 3 pm, ends around 5 pm.
You are advised to check-in at L.I.S.A. at 2:45 pm to form teams and get familiar with the rules.

Start & End Points -Trabant Student Center

Fill out the application here: http://bit.ly/UDash2019