June 18: Network Outage

There will be an outage of the campus I.P (Data) Network, due to the relocation of a network distribution switch and firewall on Tuesday, June 18th, between the hours of 6:00am-8:00am. The actual outage is expected to be less than 5 minutes, but a 2hr maintenance...

March 21: Network Outage

There will be adjustments made to the campus I.P. (Data) Network due to migration to new network equipment at the Computing Center on Thursday, March 21st, between the hours of 7:30 am-8:30 am, at the following buildings on campus:   Redding Gilbert Harrington...

Using a curricular map

In May 2015, the University of Delaware Faculty Senate approved new general education (GenEd) objectives. Afterward, the senate charged the GenEd Committee to “assist departments and programs administering undergraduate majors in ensuring full opportunity for all...

2FA required for UD seniors

Effective Monday, March 6, members of the Class of 2017 will be required to use 2FA when they log in to UD services. Requiring students to use 2FA to protect their accounts and information is being phased in by class year. New students are already required to sign up...


Phase I of 2017 Secure UD Training will be released next month. In 2016, stories about high-profile cyberattacks on targeting businesses, schools and even government officials flooded the news. Unfortunately, these trends are continuing; hackers and other...