Ready to Save Energy and Reduce Costs?
We can help by providing successful energy auditing and engineering practices.
The University of Delaware Industrial Assessment Center provides free energy, productivity, and waste assessments to small and medium-sized industrial facilities through funding provided by the US Department of Energy.
Our Mission
Promote student growth with on-site, hands-on experience in successful energy auditing and engineering practices, while helping small- to mid-sized manufacturers in the surrounding community save energy, time and money.

Client Qualifications for a IAC Industrial Assessment:
(SIC) Standard Industrial Classification Codes of 20-39
Have a maximum plant energy cost of $3 million/year
Have a minimum plant energy cost of $100,000/year
Have a minimum plant energy cost of $100,000/year

Our Coverage Area
Mid Atlantic Region
The University of Delaware’s IAC coverage area is within the highlighted region. If you fall outside this coverage area and are still interested in the services provided by the IAC, please visit the main IAC website where you can find a Center or enter your location for the Center nearest you.
We’re Proud of Our Numbers
Energy Saving (Tbtu)
Cost Savings (million)
Students Trained

Energy Engineering related programs and degrees
Ralph, I want to thank you and your team for coming on site and performing this assessment for us. The attached report is excellent, and we will be meeting on this in the very near future. This comes at a good time as our business has slowed down recently and along with that cost’s reductions are necessary to reduce the pains. We will use this report as a tool to push the executive team to allocate funds into the plant so that we can continue our path forward of reducing our energy consumption and overall cost of operation. The team here will be reviewing this with great detail and will absolutely reach out for any questions or concerns. Again, thank you all very much, your efforts are greatly appreciated!
Free energy. Improve productivity.
If you have any questions about the IAC or would like to schedule an assessment, please contact us today!