Taking it to the Streets!

On Saturday, April 21st, 2018 nearly 200 people came out to participate in the first of six “Open Streets” events planned in Dover that year for promoting a healthy community.  The Dover/Smyrna multi-sector Healthy Neighborhood council, with Restoring Central Dover as...

Peace Week Delaware 2018

PHC hosted self-care and mental health workshops as part of Peace Week Delaware 2018.  From September 15–23, 2018, peace-loving folks across our state celebrated Peace Week Delaware—a statewide series of events and actions raising awareness and hope for peace in our...

Wilmington Wellness Day

PHC is a proud member of the Wilmington Health Planning Council (WHPC) The Wilmington Health Planning Council is dedicated to working throughout the community to bring the goals and objectives of Healthy Wilmington 2020 to fruition. The 17th Wilmington Wellness Day...

Health and Food Access

The Partnership for Healthy Communities (PHC) coordinated a College of Health Sciences donor-funded project at Westside Family Healthcare to support summer service learning for cross-college graduate and undergraduate students. Students conducted research on food...