Inaugural Policy Academy- April 17, 2019

  THE UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE PARTNERSHIP FOR HEALTHY COMMUNITIES AND PARTNERSHIP FOR ARTS AND CULTURE In collaboration with DELAWARE STATE UNIVERSITY Presents Reducing Inequities in Health and Well-being by Addressing Structural Racism in the U.S. This inaugural...

National Public Health Week 2019

The Partnership for Healthy Communities at the University of Delaware invites you to join us in celebrating National Public Health Week  (NPHW) 2019. If you are hosting an event during the designated week of April 1-8, 2019, or later in the month, and would like to...

NEW! Healthy Communities Workshop Series

Join PHC and the Center for Community Research and Service for a series of Wilmington-based workshops on the intersection of health and community development: Dec. 6th (1-4 PM) – Trauma-Informed Community-Building Jan. 17th (1-4 PM)- Community-Based Approaches...

The “S” Word Documentary and Panel Discussion

DATE:  Monday, November 26th, 2018, 5:30 – 8:30 pm LOCATION:  Atrium, STAR Health Sciences Complex, 540 S. College Ave. Newark.  FREE PARKING IS AVAILABLE ALL ARE WELCOME.  This event is for students, faculty, staff and community members. Sensitive content and...