Submitted by Taylor Lopa on the 2016 summer session program in Granada, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…
Last week our group arrived in Barcelona for the weekend. I found that Barcelona is a beautiful, lively city that has a lot to offer to anyone who visits. I saw many beautiful things such as the Barcelona Olympic Stadium and Park Güell. The Barcelona Olympic Stadium was incredible to see because it is where the 1992 Olympic Games took place.
Park Güell was incredible because of the beautiful gardens and architecture. The park was the nicest I have ever seen, especially because of the breathtaking view that allowed me to see the entire city.
Those two places alone made the trip to Barcelona well worth it, but as a soccer fan my favorite part of visiting Barcelona was the chance to get to tour Camp Nou. Camp Nou is the home of FC Barcelona, and it is one of the most beautiful stadiums in the world.
The building itself was incredible, and the soccer stadium was even bigger than I had imagined it to be. There was a museum filled with old jerseys, trophies and a section dedicated to Messi, who is debatably the greatest fútbol player in the world. My favorite part of visiting Camp Nou was that we got to see the home field for Barcelona up close. Even though there was no game going on, the atmosphere around the field was incredible because of the stunning field and the excitement of those who were visiting.