Feeling Better in Panama

Submitted by Nicholas Napoletano on the 2016 winter session program in Panama sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

The first week did not go as I expected. Between not having luggage and being sick the first few days of the program, I was off to a rough start. Despite these challenges, the week ended on a very high note, as I had the opportunity over the weekend to attend a National Panamanian soccer game, to visit the beach at Coronado, visit the local town of Casco Viejo  and hike in the National Park Metropolitano. The variety of excursions that we took made for a very well-rounded cultural experience. I am very thrilled to be doing service in the local orphanage in the week to come, and I anticipate a very rewarding and adventurous study abroad experience.

Casco Viejo
Casco Viejo
Metropolitano Park
Metropolitano Park