Discovering London

Submitted by Mark White on the 2015 winter session program in London sponsored by the Department of Geography…

I find London to be a very interesting city. I enjoy the new culture and find it a lot different than the U.S. in very subtle and obscure ways. The ones that stuck out the most to me were that they drive on the opposite side of the road, the steering wheel is on the right, eggs come in packs of six rather than a dozen, American cheese does not exist, and we Americans are annoying when trying to count all of the change at stores since the currency is different. I have crossed Abbey Road, been to Buckingham Palace, the Palace of Westminster, and a few other places so far while here and I absolutely love every bit of it. There is so much to do and so much history to see that I am not sure I’ll be able to see it all in just 5 weeks!

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