An English Experience

Submitted by Caitlin Baker on the 2012 spring semester program in Granada, Spain…


Last Thursday, I headed to England with my roommate to enjoy our last out-of-Spain excursion during our semester abroad. We loved London!! The city had a truly wonderful mix of aspects of home as well as exciting characteristics we had never experienced before. We were blessed with beautiful weather during our trip (not one bit of rain!!) which allowed us to leisurely take in many of the well-known sights in the city such as Buckingham Palace, Big Ben, Hyde Park and Westminster Abbey. We also made sure to fit in some cultural activities that are so “truly English” like afternoon tea at a hotel where we were served perfectly brewed tea, finger sandwiches, scones, and little tarts and cakes. It was a great way to relax in between all the walking we were doing. Later on, we were able to catch a show at a local theater which we also loved – though it was harder than I thought it would be to understand the thick accents of some of the characters!!

From afternoon tea to grabbing a pub meal to walking down the popular shopping streets and everything in between, I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of London. It is definitely among my favorite places I have visited!