Eger, Hungary

Submitted by Shelby Richard on the 2014 winter session program in Budapest, Hungary sponsored by the School of Education…

Wow, I know I say this every week, but I cannot believe how fast these weeks have gone by. We are heading back to the U.S. on Wednesday! This week has been just as amazing as the others. We spent most of the week in Eger, Hungary. While we were there, we visited secondary schools to see how American and Hungarian school systems differ. Going into it I was not very excited because I want to teach in the elementary grades, but our visits were incredible. I met so many wonderful students and staff, and I was able to see how their schools days are run. We sat in on lessons, went to the cafeteria (or canteen as the Hungarians call it) for lunch, and even participated in Hungarian folk dancing in the gym with the students. It was so much fun and everyone at the schools we visited were so welcoming and enthusiastic about our visit. At one point, I felt as if we were celebrities walking through the halls because everyone was staring and taking our pictures. It was nice to meet students that are closer in age to myself and to have the chance to ask them about life here in Hungary. They also had the opportunity to ask us tons of questions, and I’m even going to stay in touch with a few new friends I made. We only have three days left, and it’s so bittersweet. I have had an amazing time here and I’m so grateful for this opportunity. It’s been a blast.

Eger Hungary Shelby Richard 14W Budapest EDUC sm