
Submitted by Melody Taylor on the 2013 fall semester program in London, England…

Saturday was a magical day. Included in our program fee was a day trip to Stonehenge and Bath. It involved waking up at an obscene hour, and napping for two hours on the coach heading towards Stonehenge. Everyone was dosing off wondering why we were awake, when our tour guide told us to look out the right window. We turned a corner, and there was Stonehenge gazing down at us from the top of a hill. It astounded me. Stonehenge is a well-known historic site that everyone learns about during school accompanied by photographs. Being able to see it in person was absolute magic. While we were not allowed to walk through it, we could walk around it. I kept taking photos, because with every step a new angle was born, and gave it a new dimension. Once the group had walked around the entirety of it, they all ran off to the gift shop. However, I went to the top of a neighboring hill, and contemplated the magnificence and mystery of Stonehenge. I feel completely fortunate that I was given the opportunity to witness such a brilliant structure. It made me look forward to the other wonderful gifts I will have the opportunity to see on my journey in England.