Gauchos in Argentina

Submitted by Alexandra DiDonato on the 2013 fall semester program in Buenos Aires, Argentina…

This week our group took a day trip to Estancia Santa Susana, a ranch about an hour and a half outside of Buenos Aires, where we got to ride horses like gauchos, eat delicious food and see a demonstration of some classic Argentine dances.


Un gaucho
Un gaucho


One of my favorite parts of the day was the demonstration of corrida de sortija.

Corrida de sortija
Corrida de sortija

Basically, in a corrida de sortija, a small ring is loosely suspended from a post and a gaucho gallops really fast towards it and tries to get the ring using a small stick. Back in the day, if a gaucho was able to do this,  he could then use that ring to propose to a woman. Quite a few girls in our group were “proposed to” after these gauchos successfully obtained the rings!