Living in Limerick City

Submitted by Audrey Berry on the 2023 spring semester program in Limerick, Ireland…

Exploring Limerick City

This post marks the end of the first week abroad! Already, the trip has been filled with lots of positive (and negative) experiences that have opened my eyes to a whole different world of travel. The trip began on a low note, as the plane ride was long – the multiple babies on the flight thought so too – and the airline lost my bag with lots of valuables in it. Unfortunately, they still have not located my bag and this has definitely caused me a lot of stress, both due to the uncertainty of if they find it as well as the struggle to replace some of the essential items. Combine that with the stress of being somewhere unfamiliar and the persistent stomach ache I’ve had since arrival and it makes for an emotional situation! All that being said, the positives completely outweigh the negatives. This country is absolutely breathtaking with beautiful lush grass or moss covering the ground, winding trees at every turn, and unique architecture all throughout the campus. The people have been no less wonderful as everybody I have met thus far have been so kind and inviting – one of my favorite interactions has been with the lovely ladies who work at the café, their beautiful accent combined with the way they call everybody “luvie” is enough to melt stone. My roommates are also really cool and I’ve already bonded with a tall blue haired person from Chicago and I’m looking forward to making many new connections throughout the semester. One of the biggest changes from the University of Delaware is the fact that they have four school owned pubs less than a 10 minute walk from my housing (even the school wifi connects!). Overall, my first week has been spectacular and filled with new people and new experiences. I can’t wait to see what the next few months have in store! (Submitted on January 20, 2023)

Visiting Blarney Castle

So far the experiences here have been unmatched! Surprisingly, it hasn’t been terribly rainy nor terribly cold (compared to DE, anyways). We had our real first week of classes and I was surprised by the structure of the grading – rather than many smaller activities, only a few assignments make up the entire final grade. As for the activities, it has certainly been quite eventful. I have met so many lovely people, lots of Americans, but I am also starting to make connections with some fellow Irish students in my psychology classes. Although some Irish folks can be quite cliquey and less keen to talk, I have also met so many inviting and kind people. So far, I have held a movie night, went into the city, and got to see Blarney castle! I even kissed the stone (as scary as it was). Overall, I cannot wait for the next few months. (Submitted during Week 2)

This week has been much more relaxed than last week. I feel now that all the students are settled in on campus people are less active. That being said, I absolutely needed a small break from meeting all these new people. This week, I spent a good amount of time selecting clubs to participate in (they are called societies here). I ended up with crafts, fashion, and outdoor pursuits. However, my new friends from my psychology classes introduced me to their whole friend group and they came over for another little movie day and then we went into the city. It was a multicultural experience; we met two Irish girls, two Polish girls, a Czech girl, and two Russian boys so I felt right at home! They also convinced me to join the drama club, which I have never done before, so I am excited to see how it goes. Me and my roommates are currently planning a trip to Dublin for Sunday evening- I’m surprised at how easy it is to travel by bus here! Another great week put behind me! (Submitted during Week 3)

Exploring Ireland with friends!