Submitted by Lauren Tineo on the 2020 spring semester DIS program in Copenhagen, Denmark…
I am taking part in a program called a “visiting host family” which is a really exciting part of my life in Denmark. I was paired with a couple that lives in Frederiksberg, which is a beautiful residential neighborhood. So far, we have met up twice, once for brunch and another time for a family dinner. It is so nice to know that there are locals who I can ask questions about everyday life in Denmark, and that have a vested interest in helping me adjust and learn. Their kids and grandkids live nearby, so I am getting a taste of family life in Copenhagen. At their family dinner the other night, they served pizza. Being from New Jersey, I picked the pizza up with my hands. After doing so, I could tell this was impolite because everyone else ate their pizza very daintily with a knife and fork. I was embarrassed, but it just feels wrong to eat pizza with a fork and knife. They speak English extremely well, but in a family setting they sometimes forgot and switched to Danish, but I did not mind. The whole family loves to travel, and they have traveled extensively. It was lovely to hear about their travel experiences, it was very inspiring. I am really thankful that my visiting host family wants me to be so involved in their lives and Danish culture overall.