Australia: The Walkabout Wildlife Park

Submitted by Elizabeth Dallara on the 2020 winter session program in Australia and Thailand sponsored by the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics…

This week, my study abroad group visited the Walkabout Wildlife Park to learn more about the animals native to Australia and participate in other cultural activities such as hiking through the Aboriginal landscape and learning how to throw a boomerang. It was exciting to pet kangaroos and koalas in the park and to walk freely around with wallabies and emus as well. I was able to learn about these animals and the current efforts of the Park to protect them from potential bushfires. The hike through the Park had some nice views and was educational as well. We learned about the plants and animals in the area and the indigenous people who once lived on the land. It was also an entertaining experience to learn how to throw a boomerang and to watch my classmates’ attempts. Overall, this was a very educational and fun experience.