England: Less Sugar

Submitted by Maya Dewson-Tipping on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in London, England sponsored by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice…

During my first week in London, we got to see some of the famous tourist attractions such as the tower of London and Camden town as well as more local activities like taking the Tube to class. Getting to go to museums with my program as well as tours taught me a lot about the history and culture of London, and reminds me how similar we are historically. Something that I discovered early on in this program is how much sugar Americans put in their foods and beverages. For example, I found the only Dunkin in London and got what I would get back in Newark and it was not nearly as sweet as in the United States. I found this to be true at most restaurants as well. In the same vein, serving portions are much smaller here. I have not ventured out too much since being here, but I can’t wait to see more of London.