France: City Life

Submitted by Samantha Sawyer on the 2020 winter session study abroad program in Paris, France sponsored by the Department of Biological Sciences…

My first week in Paris has been an AMAZING experience. The housing for our program is located less than five minutes from the Eiffel Tower and we are surrounded by the heart of Parisian culture! As we hope on the metro to go to school every day, I am amazed at how casually Parisians walk right next to monuments I have waited to see my entire life. I don’t think the Eiffel Tower will ever cease to amaze me with its size and beauty, but that seems to be the trend with those who live in this area. Every day we discover something new and have a new experience in the city. The most exciting things are the ones that we simply stumble across, such as an unplanned visit to the Arc de Triomphe, and the ones that allow us to see the city from a normal perspective rather than a touristy one. It has taken me a little while to adjust to the intense city life that comes with living in the center of Paris, but as you immerse yourself in the culture it is getting easier and easier to make the fast paced, city life your normal day to day circumstance. As we have only been here a week there is SO MUCH that I have yet to see and I am excited to see what I will be able to experience by pushing myself outside of my traditional boundaries. Being in a city itself is a huge step for me, as I am from a very small town, but I know there are so many things that I must do if I truly want to make my experience worthwhile.