Italy: Journey’s End

Submitted by Hannah Schoenfeld on the 2019 summer session program in Italy sponsored by the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences…

Well, my three-week journey throughout Italy has finally come to an end and as I am sitting here writing this last blog, I am dreading being home. I am so grateful to have been a part of this program and get to experience all Italy has to offer. I have seen, learned, walked and eaten so much more these last three weeks than I ever would have imagined. Whether it be going on a tour through the Vatican and learning that Vatican City is considered to be a different city, let alone a different country! Or, just wandering the streets of Rome and seeing all the different types of art, I have learned to have an appreciation for it all. I immersed myself into the culture and really got a feel of what life is like living in Italy. What I know for sure is that this will not be my last time in Italy… Ciao for now Italia, see you soon!

Spanish Steps in Rome
A picture of myself taken while I went to Venice on the weekend.