Culture Shock In Vietnam

Submitted by Deniz Hatiboglu on the 2019 winter session program in Vietnam and Cambodia sponsored by the Department of Finance…

Since landing in Ha Noi, things have been different, and I can’t say, I wasn’t prepared for that. The one thing, I wasn’t prepared for, was the life in a small village sleeping under a mosquito net and waking at midnight to roosters crowing. The second day of my program, I found out there was a change in the itinerary, and we would be going to the homestay service project the following day. We left at 9:00 am the next morning, for a four hour bus ride to a remote village called Mai Chau. My palms started to sweat as a smile crept across my face. We were going to be able to help people, and experience a way of life that I, for one, had never seen before. Looking back, I had no idea how this experience would change me for the better. From the second, we turned those steep, misty mountain roads, the world around me shifted. I saw the farm stands and small, family owned shops. The generations of women helping to run a single fruit stand and their chickens that grazed in the grassy patches next to them and along the busy road whirring with motorbikes and army buses.

Local puppy we named Max
Village of Mai Chau
Hut of stilts my roommates and I stayed in!