New Friends And Experiences In Australia

Submitted by Lexie McMann on the 2019 winter session study abroad program in Australia and New Zealand sponsored by the Department of Hospitality Business Management…

The first week I had here in Australia was a life changing one. Being in a country where they speak English is helping a lot with the culture shock and getting accustomed to spending a long period of time in a foreign land. This country is amazing, and the sights that we have seen so far have been unforgettable. The best thing that I have found about going on this program so far though is the people I have met. I knew only one person going on this program before we left, but within a week I now have a big group of adventurous, kind, and loving friends. It seems crazy to me that it took us traveling across the world to become friends with these people from Delaware, but I feel very blessed for the chance to meet and spend time traveling around this country with these wonderful new friends. So far, we have gone to the Sydney Opera House, a weekend overnight in Hunter Valley, a 10-course meal all together, and many other excursions that were amazing and life changing. Those experiences will forever stay with me, and what has made them even more perfect is the people I got to spend them with. They also have helped me become braver and have more confidence. Since I have been here, I have tried duck, octopus, oysters, mussels, Thai food, and many other very new cuisines for me. Along with food, we have taken surfing lessons, gone into Sydney, gone on amazing hikes, and had many adventures. I am unsure if I would have done most of those things without the support and love from my new friends that has given me the confidence to step out of my comfort zone, try new things, and learn so much about myself.

Ethnic food