Submitted by Jenna MacFail on the 2018 summer session program in Salamanca, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…
The first weekend abroad, six students from our group went to Madrid. We planned the entire trip on our own and booked buses and hotels. I have never planned a trip on my own so this was a little stressful, but after it was all set up, I felt accomplished. The trip was fun and I was able to explore the city, but I was pick-pocketed and my phone and wallet were stolen. I had read many articles warning about how sneaky pick-pocketers are, especially in Europe, so I was disappointed in myself. When I realized my things were stolen, I panicked and became upset. I immediately told my parents so that they could cancel my credit cards and phone, but I was embarrassed to tell them. They were extremely understanding, but I was still frustrated. For a few days, I did not have a phone, which was fine in terms of social media and casually chatting, but it was difficult not being able to contact others on my program. I eventually got a pre-paid phone so that I could contact people. This was a difficult bump in the road, but it caused me to become more aware of my surroundings and it taught me how to get through challenging obstacles.