Submitted by Jenna MacFail on the 2018 summer session program in Salamanca, Spain sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…
The first night I came to Spain, I ate something that caused me to become ill. I felt sick for a few days and I was miserable. I finally saw a doctor in Salamanca and they gave me some medicine. It was interesting going to the clinic because it was mostly the same as clinics that I have been to in the United States. It was a little bit smaller and definitely not as “nice” and modern as ones I have been to in the United States, but the process of checking in, being called and being seen was very similar. When feeling sick I did not want to be abroad, I wanted to be in my own bed with my parents’ comfort. It felt as though I was not going to have a good study abroad experience. However, as soon as I started my new routine of going to school, having a siesta and spending time exploring the city, I was extremely happy to be in Spain. It was definitely a rough beginning to my program, but I am so glad I got past it and am able to enjoy this amazing experience. After just a few days, I had met students from all over the world wanting to learn Spanish just like me. I became close with people from Brazil, Palestine, Egypt and India. It was interesting to talk to them about why they decided to study abroad and what it has been like so far for them.