Submitted by Leah Epstein on the 2018 winter session program in South Africa sponsored by the Department of Behavioral Health & Nutrition…
South Africa has been nothing at all like I expected. The air is filled with a very dry heat, which is a refreshing difference from the high humidity levels we get in the United States. This program has kept us very busy and constantly active. Although I have only been here for one week, I feel like it has been a month’s worth of activities. We have seen animals in both sanctuaries and just out and about on many of the different open spaces that they have in the city of Pretoria. I have learned that the government is very supportive of the animals, and controls the conservation of all the lands in order to do what’s best for the animals. I have also already grown as a person through meetings with health care workers and visiting orphanages and youth programs in the informal settlements. Overall, it’s been a great week, I can’t wait to see what’s next!