Exploring Martinique

Submitted by Brianna Fraher on the 2018 winter session program in Martinique sponsored by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures…

My first week in balmy, beautiful, 80 degree Martinique in the Caribbean was both a culture shock and an amazing experience. We spent lots of time exploring the nature of the island this week, including scoping out many of the local beaches and looking around the capital, Fort-de-France. We visited a local market where we bought all natural vanilla extract and spices. My friend Alana and I share a wonderful host family! Our host dad speaks minimal English from his time spent in America and our host mom speaks none. I’m so excited for this unique opportunity to gain French skills. Yesterday, we visited the pottery village where we got to watch the making of  a traditional pan from clay. Of course, we picked up some souvenirs there. While at the beach, I got to try coconut water straight from a coconut for the first time. A local used a machete to chop the sides and then stuck a straw in the middle. When finished drinking the water, they’ll further chop the coconut to eat the “meat” of the coconut which had the consistency of Jell-O. So far, the program has been amazing. I can’t wait for the next three weeks.

View from the airplane



Beach in Trois Ilets
Coconut water straight from the coconut