La Alhambra: The Realization of a Dream in Spain

Submitted by Brianna Ramirez on the 2016 fall semester study abroad program in Granada, Spain…

The Alhambra, whose name derives from Arabic and means “the red one”, is one of the most ancient sites in Granada. It is visited by millions of people all over the world every year and to this day, after centuries, it still has a magical aspect to it. The Alhambra is actually a realization of a dream of the Arab King Alhamar. He dreamt that the prophet Muhammad was riding on a mythological creature into a palace much like the ones inside of The Alhambra. It was very interesting to read and hear about the different tales of the Alhambra and to use my imagination as I walked around.torre-de-la-vela-alhambra-brianna-ramirez-16f-granada-sm

The Alhambra when it was being used was not only a fortress, but also a city. There are multiple palaces within it, each decorated in a manner that fits the religion and the wealth of the time. Fun fact, the people who created the Taj Mahal were inspired by the Patio de la Alberca, where the palace is reflected in the pond.

Patio de la Alberca
Patio de la Alberca

I would like to go back and take my time going through each part of it, because there is so much to see and enjoy. My favorite part was walking through the Palacios Nazaríes, the architecture is absolutely stunning.