You Get a Free Museum Trip, and You Get a Free Museum Trip, and You Get a Free Museum Trip!

Submitted by Trinity Hunt the 2024 Spring program in London, United Kingdom…

Week 3 

You Get a Free Museum Trip, and You Get a Free Museum Trip, and You Get a Free Museum Trip! 

One of the saddest experiences as a study abroad student is reviewing your budget and realizing how much money you have spent. So imagine my glee when I discovered many of the museums in London are free! Are you kidding? I don’t have to pay to see groundbreaking art. As soon as I heard this news I made a list of museums I wanted to visit. At the top of the list was The National Gallery. 

The National Gallery houses paintings from around the world. Many of these paintings are straight out of history textbooks I read in high school. For example, Velazquez’ portrait of King Phillip IV. I could not believe I was looking at something in person that I had previously studied in pictures and online. 

The National Gallery was an incredible experience. Next up, is the Victoria and Albert Museum! (Submitted on February 15, 2024)