Submitted by Kara Kimos the 2024 Spring program in Aix-en-Provence, France…
One of the things I’ve found the most beautiful here in France is how much they prioritize the enjoyment of life. I feel like it’s often easy to get caught up in the daily whirlwind of activities, but here, I’ve had several experiences that remind me to slow down and enjoy the moment.
I was told before coming here that it’s common in French culture to drink coffee for the enjoyment of it, and not just for the caffeination that I’ve often found myself seeking out at home. This has proven true for me so far! I just started my internship this past week, and my boss invited me around the table for coffee and chocolate tasting with the team. There was no occasion — it was 2pm and simply time to take a break and get to talk with one another!
The phrase that has stuck with me the most here is “Il faut profiter,” which roughly translates to “You must take advantage (of something)”. In English, we can see the cognate “profit,” but I’ve found it’s not at all like making a monetary profit, or taking advantage of something with malicious intentions. Instead, it’s indulging in and enjoying the beautiful things life has to offer.
So, when the city market was occurring on a sunny Tuesday, my boss told me, “Il faut profiter!”, encouraging me to take a walk. When my friends and I visited Paris, our host gave us her recommendations of places to see during our short weekend, saying, “Il faut profiter!” Even now when doing my homework, I choose new parks to have a picnic and read in because I know “il faut profiter” from the beautiful weather. Overall, living in France has caused me reflect more deeply on the beauty within my everyday life. (Submitted on February 18, 2024)