Flower power: Día de la Cruz in Granada

Submitted by Maxwell Poruban the 2024 Spring program in Granada, Spain

Día de la cruz or the Day of the Cross is one of the major festivals that marks the beginning of the festival season here in Granada. All across the city neighbors, clubs, teams, schools and other groups come together and compete in a contest that holds a prize and bragging rights. The contest is to create a cross made of flowers and then surround it with beautiful decorations that represent the theme the contestants have selected. The city is filled with women dressed in Sevillana dresses and men attired in fine suits as they migrate from cross to cross to view the culmination of a long period of work. The other attraction for the festival is that groups who mount crosses often also have bars and food to sell to visitors. It truly feels as if the city has come alive with color and energy to welcome in the Spring and fine weather. (Submitted on May 16,2024)