The Grapes of Rome

Submitted by Ekaterina Forakis on the 2024 Spring program in Rome, Italy…

On Friday, John Cabot hosted a wine tasting and tour. The tour took place in a small town just outside of Rome called Frascati. From the entrance of the town, we could see the entirety of Rome and the beautiful hills. The town was small but rich with history, including being the first to create wine. As we toured the town, I was shocked to notice how refreshing it was to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The beautiful views and kind people were the reminder I needed that I made the right decision in coming to Rome. The two weeks of homesickness were wiped away while we traversed through the historic town center and narrow streets. Before heading to the vineyard, we went to lunch at an adorable hole-in-the-wall restaurant that ended up having the best pasta I’ve ever eaten. 

After lunch, we headed over to the vineyard where we got an in-depth look into what makes a good wine, the environment needed to grow the best grapes, how to properly hold a wine glass, and what to smell for in a wine. It was extremely fun and informative, and I ended up making friends with a lot of the group! Everyone was extremely kind and ready to answer any questions we had. It was a great experience that also allowed me to clear my head and remember why I am here. (Submitted on February 4, 2024)