Week 3 In Sydney

Submitted by Hannah Scheck on the 2024 Spring program in Sydney, Australia…

Week three in Sydney! Found a local place that hosts trivia on MondaysI have started to understand the public transportation systems here! I tried some new food items including a California Roll, Edamame, New York Cheesecake Gelato, Hungarian Kurtos, Pad Thai, and a Greek Chicken Pita. I also ate at some of my usuals, such as Taco Bell and Mcdonalds. I still enjoy exploring the Harbor and watching the fun street performers.I was able to experience National Australia Day in Australia! I went to the Royal Botanical Gardens to enjoy the lovely weather, watched some of the boat races, and saw a dazzling display of fireworks. I checked out the local Glebe Markets, which has an enormous display of shops. I was able to visit the White Rabbit Museum to see some local art. Finally, I made it to the top of the Sydney Tower Eye where I saw the most beautiful view of Sydney. (Submitted on January 31, 2024)