Week 2: There’s No Place Like Rome

Submitted by Juliana Monticello on the 2024 Spring program in Rome, Italy…

Week two of my spring semester abroad was even more amazing than the first! Classes started this week, and I am really looking forward to them. I am taking three Italian courses (grammar, language and gender, and writing) and one media study course taught in English. The courses seem very interesting, and I feel that I will gain a larger global perspective on popular topics. For instance, my media studies class examines how Italians consume media such as film, television, music, etc versus how Americans consume them. I had never previously considered how this consumption could vary based on country and culture, so I am very excited to see how this class unfolds

My roommates and I also spent the weekend exploring Rome some more. Last week, we saw the Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Pantheon, and Church of Saint Ignazio of Loyola, so we decided to spend Saturday and Sunday seeing the other popular Roman sites. This includes the Colosseum, Roman Forum, and Catacombs of Saint Callixtus. Entering the Colosseum was like going back in time. It was huge and we got to see where the ancient Romans would watch gladiators fight. The Roman Forum was next, and it felt like stepping into the old city hub. There were ruins of old buildings, temples, and arches, showing how people used to live. Then, the Catacombs of Saint Callixtus was a bit eerie but intriguing. Going through these underground tunnels, we learned that it was a place where all Christians could be buried, regardless of economic status. The walls had beautiful paintings and writings about them. All these places in Rome shared stories of the past, making my trip feel like a journey through history.

As week two of my spring semester abroad closes, I am still amazed by the experiences and opportunities the city of Rome has to offer. The anticipation of diving into my Italian courses has added a new excitement to my academic journey. Beyond the classroom, exploring Rome with my roommates has been an adventure.  Now that we have seen the major iconic landmarks, I look forward to discovering some of the hidden gems Rome has as well as traveling to other nearby cities in the future. I am so grateful for each day of my study abroad semester and can’t wait for the rest of the journey! (Submitted on January 23, 2024)