I Think I Like This Little Life 

Submitted by Jasmine Pennington on the 2024 Spring program in Athens, Greece…

Today, I woke up insanely late and immediately had the energy to head to the gym. Mind you, i dont use the gym since the first week because it was always crowded. But, today the gods themselves shined upon me and the gym was prcatically empty. I really enjoyed today even wuth the late wake up call. I finished my workout around 2ish and set off to go back home. I was rudely interrupted by a cat nicknmed Moo and I sat with him for a while and then headed to the closest cafe near school. I love ordering a hot latte with cinnamon and sugar. It’s sooooo good and I would highly recommend it. I dont have classes today so it’s fine that I woke up late, but I am becoming increasingly more stressed about classes. The structure here is way different than America and I am taking 3 history courses. One teacher is requiring us to know each name of the art, the time it was made, the place it was made, who made it, and what is the significance for over 50 artworks. I am just not a art history person but there wasnt any other classes listed that i could take to fill my breath requirements. I would rather memorize 50+ paintings than to ever take a philosophy 101 course. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk!

Side note: I just loved the walk to campus and how walakble the city itself is. I did buy a metrocard but I would rather walk. I once walked for 2 hours instead of taking a bus because I felt like it would be pretty outside. (Submitted on January 31, 2024)