Córdoba: Week Three “in” Granada

Submitted by Maxwell Poruban on the 2024 Spring program in Granada, Spain…

Week three of my semester in Granada began with a day trip to the thousand year old city of Córdoba. Appearing over the river Guadalquivir, the city seems to spring out of a fairy tale at the foot of the Sierra Morena. The Romans founded a settlement here in the second century BC, alongside an existing Iberian town. From here the city grew and was expanded by the Visigoths, then became the seat of grandeur for the Umayyed Caliphate and after la reconquista, the Catholic kings continued to patronize the city. Although Córdoba is filled with beautiful historical sites and excellent food, its crown jewel is the mosque-cathedral in the center of the old city. 

Founded in 785, the mosque was built on an existing religious site and construction reutilized material from earlier churches. The building has been renovated on a massive scale over seven times and today the beauty from each period can be seen as you pass through the structure. 

The rest of our week in Granada was spent studying for our final exam for our Intensive Spanish grammar and conversation class as well as for our placement exam. The placement exam, although stressful, was designed by the Centre for Modern Languages at the University of Granada to test our language skills and ensure that we are placed into the correct course of study. The exam lasted almost four hours, but in the end, it was worth the effort. The rest of our courses start next Thursday, and I am looking forward to beginning a new academic journey. Un saludo. (Submitted on January 27, 2024)