Week 1: Roaming Around Rome

Submitted by Juliana Monticello on the 2024 Spring semester program in Rome, Italy

I have officially been in Rome, Italy for one week and I feel like so much has happened  already. I will be spending the next four months living in this city full of history and culture. On  my walk to class, I find a new hidden gem every day. There is so much to see, and I can’t wait to  explore all of it. But in the first week, some of the highlights included the Spanish Steps,  Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and Church di Saint Ignazio of Loyola.  

The Spanish Steps were absolutely breathtaking. The grand staircase was even bigger  than I had imagined. The panoramic view from the top felt like I was looking at a postcard. The  Piazza di Spagna below was busy with tourists and locals alike exploring, walking, and shopping.  

Not too far from the steps was the Pantheon. I was in awe of the oculus, which lets  sunlight shine into the dome. The illuminated interior was stunning, and I was fascinated by the  ancient Roman engineering that created this masterpiece.  

The Trevi Fountain was bustling with people, but nonetheless it was mesmerizing. The  statues of mythological figures amazed me as to how someone could create such a realistic and  detailed work out of marble. And of course, I tossed a coin over my shoulder into the pool of  water to ensure my return to Rome. 

The final of my favorite sites was the Church of Sant’Ignazio of Loyola. This roman gem is  full Baroque art and architecture. It features intricate frescoes and a spectacular dome. A friend  and I spent nearly an hour there because there was so much to see. Every time I turned I  noticed a new detail. The church had an otherworldly atmosphere that made it feel like it  existed outside of time. 

As the week comes to a close, I find myself fascinated by the fact that I am living in a city  so rich in history. The Spanish Steps, Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, and Sant’Ignazio di Loyola’s  church stand as witnesses to the city’s enduring legacy, and I am eager to explore everything Rome has to offer! (Submitted January 16, 2024)