Week 1 and 2 Abroad

Submitted by Lauren Choptij on the 2024 Spring semester program in Rome, Italy

My experience studying abroad in Rome has been extremely eventful and filled with challenges and opportunities. I am combining my first two weeks into one post. We arrived in Rome on January 7th. Since being in Rome, I have seen the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, the Colosseum, and Pizza Navona. It has been such an amazing experience to be able to walk to these attractions. After a week of orientation, we started classes, which has been good so far. This weekend, my friends and I made our first trip out of Italy to Amsterdam for the Tulip Festival. It was an amazing experience and the city is beautiful. We did a lot of sightseeing, walking, and eating great food. This week, I am hoping to get in a routine with classes and activities and I am excited for our next trip. (Submitted January 21, 2024)