First Day In Sydney

Submitted by Hannah Scheck on the 2024 Spring semester program in Sydney, Australia…

On January 14th, 2024, after months of anticipation, I finally arrived in Sydney, Australia. Representatives from Global Academic Ventures met us at the airport and took us on an unforgettable adventure. After 22 hours of seeing nothing but the interior of an airplane, I was ready for a change of scenery. We embarked on a lovely scenic ride around the gorgeous city of Sydney, saw our home for the next four months, then continued our journey to the beautiful botanical gardens. When we arrived, I was immediately in awe of the beauty of the nature around me and the stunning blue water. Then I looked up and had my breath taken away. For the first time, since wanting to come to Australia since I was in third grade, I am seeing the Sydney Opera House in person. It was beautiful. The whole day was beautiful. The weather was overcast, but the scenery made up for the weather. Not to mention the 70 degrees was a huge improvement from the 30 degrees I had left at home. The group of study abroad students and I continued to adventure around the city. I saw Darling Harbor, China town, and a tour of our campus. The adventure and tour of Sydney was a great way to allow me to get to know my fellow students. I believe that it was a perfect first day in this amazing country. I am looking forward to every moment and memory I will experience while being here for the next four months. I am so incredibly grateful for this experience. (Submitted January 14, 2024)