Submitted by Matt Sternheim on the 2024 Winter BUAD program in Sydney, Australia…
As I entered my third and final full week here in Sydney, I started to get thoughts of leaving. However, still with time left, I knew that I could not waste any of it, and that I should make the most of the time I have left; and that is exactly what I (and my group) did. The last seven days were filled with amazing times that have given me lasting memories. This week, adventures and happenings of note include finishing up my internship and celebrating with my coworkers, visiting Wentworth Falls and The Blue Mountains, celebrating Australia Day on a cruise, going to the beach, and trying lots of new food. My favorites were definitely our hike to Wentworth Falls and The Blue Mountains and Australia Day aboard a cruise. Through all of these activities, I have had tons of conversations with the locals, and have truly gained a broader view of Australian culture. With only a few days left in Sydney, I am upset to see it go, but extremely happy to have gotten this opportunity, and I know that the next few days will be filled with even more adventures and new experiences! (Submitted on January 28, 2024)
Well, unfortunately, the time has come for me to head home from my study abroad experience in Sydney. The last four weeks have truly been life changing, and I could not be more grateful to have this opportunity. It really is hard to put into words all of the things I did and what effect they had on me as a person. I like to look back on myself before coming to Sydney, and I can definitely say that it has changed me for the better. I have gained different perspectives on so many different aspects of life and gained invaluable work/professional experience. My last week in Sydney was filled with new adventures, beach trips, goodbyes, and more. For as long as I can remember, I have had a love for traveling, and I find that this experience has enticed me to travel even more, for longer periods of time in the future. Before coming here, the longest trip I had ever been on was no longer than ten days, and that was inside the US. The fact that I just spent an entire month, not only outside the country, but on the opposite side of the world, still blows my mind to this day. I do not know when as of now, but I will certainly be returning to Sydney and Australia sometime in my future. Australia as a whole was such a fascinating experience, and although my time here has run out, I know I will be back one day and will be looking forward to it until that day comes! (Submitted on February 4, 2024)