Final Week Studying Abroad in Budapest

Submitted by Logan Elkins on the 2024 Winter UAPP program in Budapest

For the third and final week of our study abroad program, we decided to use the  last free day of our trip to visit another neighboring country, this time Austria. While in  Austria, we visited an amazing art museum, laying our eyes on various impressive  pieces of art in the forms of paintings and sculptures. We also visited the enormous St.  Stephen’s Cathedral, which is probably one of the most impressive-looking buildings I  have ever seen in person. Back in Budapest the next day, we had an amazing  nighttime river cruise seeing various national monuments lit up as we floated by.  Following this, we went to the Sziklakórház Atombunker Múzeum, also known as the  Hospital in the Rock. This museum was a hospital in the rocks, as the name suggests,  used in preparation and during World War 2. The museum is full of wax figures,  reenacting various activities and services that occurred in this hospital all of those  decades ago.  

For one of our last excursion days, we visited St. Stephen’s Basilica and toured  the upper balcony to see an amazing view of the city. We passed this building every  day going to and from our school, so it was great finally being able to go inside. That  same day we also went on a local Farris wheel to get a great view of the sunset. A  great way to close out our study abroad trip. This trip was an amazing experience for a  first-time traveler such as myself, and I can’t wait to go on more in the future.  (Submitted on January 24, 2024)