Climbing Peaks, Culinary Treats, and Cultural Feats

Submitted by Ryka Santos on the 2024 Winter LING/CGSC program in Italy …

As I continue my study abroad journey in Italy, the past two weeks have been a blend of adventure, cultural immersion, and unexpected lessons. The excursion to Ercolano and the iconic Mt. Vesuvius National Park was nothing short of breathtaking.  I kept thinking to myself that I wanted to stop and go back down, but I kept going because I knew that I could do it and I wanted to see the view from the top. It was more than a hike, it was a lesson in resilience and self-discovery. The visit to the Amalfi Coast painted a picture of Italy’s serene beauty and the simple joy of life. Although the off-season meant fewer open shops and restaurants, it also offered a less crowded, more authentic experience. The gelato was so good! It was a creamy delight, a sweet reminder of Italy’s simple pleasures. Meanwhile, classes in Italy have been an enlightening journey, particularly through our group discussions that serve as a way to understand the complexities of the language and culture. These discussions have delved deeply into cultural nuances, offering rich insights and perspectives from what we experienced in person. My solo trip to Naples was an eye-opener. Navigating through a city where English is scarce and Neapolitan is the norm was both challenging and rewarding. It pushed me to adapt, to learn, and to appreciate the beauty of diversity in language. The incident of my friend’s iPhone being stolen in Napoli was unfortunate, but it taught us the importance of vigilance and resilience in unfamiliar environments. We persevered, turning a moment of despair into a lesson in caution and adaptability.

Staying in Sorrento, with its varied culinary landscape, was a delight. While pasta and pizza dominated the menu, we tried a restaurant that served Mexican food, adding an unexpected twist to our culinary journey. The group excursion to Naples, especially the pizza class, was so fun! Crafting my own pizza was so nice and being able to add as many toppings as I liked. The Naples Underground tour was like stepping into a whole different place, unveiling the city’s rich history and hidden wonders. Who knew that there was a whole underground place in the city?  The visit to Le Colline di Sorrento was another highlight. The gnocchi cooking class and olive oil tasting sessions was such a great experience! I learned that gnocchi is made with dough and potato, which give it their soft, fluffy texture. We were able to understand the work that is put into Italian pasta and how olive oil is so important for them as well. I bought one, spaghettata extra virgin olive oil, to bring home as a souvenir. It is oil infused with basil, garlic, hot pepper, and oregano.

These experiences have not just been about sightseeing or eating pasta, but standing atop Mt. Vesuvius, wandering the lively streets of Naples, every experience has nudged me towards a deeper understanding of what it means to immerse myself in this global study program.  (Submitted on January 29, 2024)