Worthwhile Waterfall

Submitted by Ava Malkin on the 2024 Winter DIST program in Thailand…

Our study abroad visit in Chiang Mai, Thailand was incredible for its features of nature, street markets, agriculture, and– for me– new experiences. One, in particular, stood out to me and a moment of impact that altered my perspective regarding my stay thus far. During the drive back from an academic excursion to the Bookworm Foundation of Thailand, our professors had us visit a waterfall called Wat Prahat Doi Suthep; this involved walking barefoot up and down large rocks, navigating through trees, and experiencing the fresh water surrounding us. Prior to this trip, I had never been huge on outdoor activities… let alone climbing up slippery rocks. However, it was a beautiful experience that proved to be one of the best memories with my classmates across the board. We all helped one another, physically holding one another’s hand or verbally motivating each other, in order for all of us to complete the trail. My peers were supportive and gave me the confidence to spend two hours exploring the waterfalls. I left feeling proud of myself for trying something out of my comfort zone; I realized that a common theme throughout my trip has been that the most spontaneous decisions prove to be the most rewarding! I look forward to more moments like that one: filled with adventure and love along the way. (Submitted on January 19, 2024)