Submitted by Alex Culley on the 2024 Winter FASH program in Paris…
Although most of my trip was in Paris, we had an overnight excursion in London. Spending 36 hours there was extremely eventful as trying to fit everything in felt impossible (spoiler alert: it was). Although I absolutely recommend making the most out of your time abroad, it’s also necessary to dedicate some time to taking care of yourself. In London I tried my best to do everything and spent many hours outside in the cold in clothes in which I severely overestimated their insulative abilities. I’d also spent a non-insignificant amount of time in an international train station in a train car with strangers. Both of those factors plus my overeagerness to stay out late ended in a perfect storm; I got sick. Nothing too bad – just a head cold – but something about a persistent headache, runny nose, and being just a little bit nauseous kind of ruins your day. The timing was terrible but also perfect, it hit me full force on our first day off. We had no scheduled activities, no class, no exhibits, and no internships. It would’ve been the perfect time to tick some items off my to-do list, visit the catacombs, wander around Le Bon Marche, or go to some of the countless historic buildings and admire the architecture. Instead all I did was shuffle grumpily at the long treacherous walk it would take me to get to the nearest farmacie (it was across the street). and pay way too much for some anti congestion nasal spray. While I’m glad I didn’t miss any class or museum visits, it would’ve been really nice to have that free day be actually free. All this is really just a long winded way to say please just take the extra 30 seconds to put on some thermal leggings and maybe try sleeping a healthy amount. Even if you just cut your night short by 30 minutes, your body will thank you later by actually fighting off that cold. (Submitted on January 18, 2024)