Christchurch, NZ

Submitted by Elias Tapia on the 2024 Winter BUAD program in Australia and New Zealand…

Christchurch is a city located in the South Island of New Zealand, where the second week was spent, and the difference between Auckland and Christchurch didn’t become apparent until later in the week. The North Island and the South Island differ by the way they approach certain aspects of life, as Christchurch feels more vibrant compared to Auckland, and a lot of buildings have street art as if the community were given a voice itself. These arts range from different inspirational figures to abstract art, with it being left to the viewer to interpret what they mean, with the city being surrounded by beautiful scenery adding to the life of the city. Christchurch as a city is unique as it has many historical landmarks honoring those within their country’s history who took chances to go against the collective and went on their own path to achieve greatness. This sentiment cements Christchurch as a city, as while exploring the city, the people there tend to be more open and expressive, giving off a feeling of informality, rather than Auckland, where the colors, structures, etc. felt formal as if the two were total opposites. The approach they have to everyday life changes slightly as the people from Christchurch are even more relaxed than those from Auckland, as there are more scenic spots to visit than in Auckland. Spots like these include Mt. Cook and the Tasman Glacier, as these places provide a heavenly view of the country, possibly explaining why the people there are more relaxed as everyone seems to do things at their own pace when accomplishing their tasks. (Submitted on January 18, 2024)