Week 1- Culture Shock

Submitted by Matt Sternheim on the 2024 Winter BUAD program in Sydney, Australia…

Myself and Arnie the koala at the wildlife sanctuary about an hour out of Sydney. He was a very nice guy (koala).

Coming into my study abroad experience, I did not know much about what to expect. While I did do my research, I was not actually in Australia yet, and I found a lot of contradicting information. One of the main themes I picked up on was that Australia, and even more so Sydney, is a lot like the US in terms of people and culture. After being here for a week, I can say that this is both true and false at the same time. One of the main things I have noticed is Australians are certainly more laid back and reserved compared to the fast paced and in a way, high stress environment that the US produces. However, this was not necessarily something that shocked me and made me have to change anything I usually do. The biggest adjustment I have had to make is something that happens everyday, multiple times per day. Before coming here, I knew that Australians drive on the left side of the road, but I am not driving here so that aspect does not affect me too much. What I was unaware of was that they actually walk on the left side too. Countless times, I have found myself walking straight into or through large groups of people since I am just accustomed to walking on the right side; it is just muscle memory. This is the biggest culture shock I have found so far that I am still getting used to; I wonder if once I am back in the US, will I be used to walking on the left side, and have to readjust all over again? I guess we will find out. (Submitted on January 10, 2024)