Submitted by Anastacia Johnson on the 2024 Winter program in Italy…
On January 4th at 2 am, I began my adventure to Italy. After over a day of traveling and layovers in Boston and Paris, I arrived. These first couple of days, have been amazing, and I am so excited and grateful to be a part of this opportunity. Everything is so beautiful and there’s no feeling of needing to rush, which is a step back from the hustle and bustle of the U.S. Starting in Naples, the birthplace of pizza, has begun to open my eyes to the food scene as well as the care and emphasis placed on food, family, and eating together. Speaking with many Italians thus far has revealed many cultural beliefs and insight into various superstitions. It has only been a few days, but I feel like I have already learned a lot and am excited to continue learning about Italian culture and health as the weeks continue and the adventure unfolds (Submitted on January 7, 2024).