Mt. Cargill

Submitted by Alexys Padilla on the 2024 Winter KAAP program in New Zealand…

As week 2 of our trip has come to a close, we ended this week with a hike up Mt. Cargill. This hike was somehow the shortest but most difficult hike of our trip so far, I would have preferred to do the 50 mile bike path three times over than repeat this hike. It may have been a combination of missing breakfast and the heavy wind chill, combined with the insane steepness of this hike but it was extremely difficult. Although this is considered a beginner hike, I would argue otherwise. Nonetheless, making it to the viewpoint with my group and seeing those breathtaking views made it all worth it. My group and I spent some time taking pictures and talking about how bad our legs hurt stepping up those 3 ft steps for the last half mile of the hike while we enjoyed our packed lunches. I am sad to leave Dunedin so soon but excited for what is to come! (Submitted on January 15, 2024)