Submitted by Claire Houghton on the 2024 Winter HLTH program in Italy…
I have officially been in Italy for a week! In the first week, I have learned far more than I could even imagine. On my flight here, I had a layover in Munich, Germany and then a short 1.5 hour flight to Naples. On this flight, I had the opportunity to take to a middle aged Italian man who was originally from Naples but moved to America a few years before. We talked the whole flight and he taught me so much about Italy. Since this HLTH study abroad started, I have seen and learned so much. Our first day we took an orientation tour and walked around our Hotel. The next day we had a tour guide and walked all around Naples. We saw the Duomo, which was the most beautiful church I have ever seen. This week we also had the experience to drive down to Sorrento and make Gnocchi. It was a great experience and made me feel Italian! We then got to eat it as well as some other tasting from the farm like cheeses, meats, and dips. We got to visit a Castle overlooking Naples, which was such a beautiful site. Yesterday we saw Pompeii, Mount Vesuvius, and Herculaneum. It was so interesting seeing something that I have learned about in school but with my own eyes. Our tour guide was amazing, gave us so much knowledge. Hiking up the volcano was hard, but a great bonding experience between the group and worth it at the top. I am sad that my time in Naples is coming to an end, but very excited to head to Rome! (Submitted on January 11, 2024)