A Week in Dunedin

Submitted by Logan Batt on the 2024 Winter KAAP program in New Zealand…

Truly has been a wonderful trip. I never thought I would have so much fun. All the people on the trip were amazing and truly great people. We’ve done many fun activities such as hiking, biking, curling, and just traveling around the city of Dunedin. One of my favorite places to visit was also the Botanical Gardens which is an Authentic Chinese Garden and is beautiful. I have had some culture shock here which has caught me off guard. The first thing is that people don’t tip here, it’s almost considered rude. Another thing that I find quite funny is that when you say “thank you” to someone they will respond “that’s alright” instead of “your welcome” which is quite funny. On that note ill try to explore much more and try to capture it for my next entry. (Submitted on January 14, 2024)