Acclimating to Life in London

Submitted by Leopold Pullella on the 2023 spring semester program in London, England…

Visiting the Natural History museum

This photo was taken outside the Natural History museum while we were on our way to “tea time.” I had previously been warned about aspects of the U.K. that I might need time to get used to, such as smaller spaces and no air conditioning in the housing, but adjusting to my own physical presence in London is a feeling one could only get from being in the city. Even though I was expecting cars to drive on the other side of the road than what I am used to back at home, I still had a tendency to look to the left first when crossing the street instead of to the right. I also expected to see all sorts of old and extravagant buildings while walking in London but was still amazed by this particular building for its beauty. This building may not be anything special to Londoners, but my fascination with it transformed it into a representation of discovery in everyday life. (Submitted on January 13, 2023)

Above is a photo of Stonehenge, one of the most famous works of humanity. The site of Stonehenge was bewitching to us all but I thought the surrounding landscape was equally breathtaking. Many photos of Stonehenge overlook the numerous peaks of hills, the vastness of the land, and especially the plethora of sheep. There was also a blissful silence as we walked around, despite the many groups with us. The quietness reflected the calm flow that can exist in daily life, an aspect many should explore while traveling to Stonehenge or any new place. I will never forget viewing such monuments in person, but I will also hold a new vision of the quiet areas of England as well. (Submitted on January 22, 2023)

While in London, I have discovered much more about the basics of life than I ever did back home in Delaware. In the flat we have a kitchen that helps us live the daily life of a Londoner. Although many students our age already know how to cook for themselves, being in a different country while trying to find the best places for food and cooking supplies has been quite challenging. It’s especially rewarding when a meal turns out well, then we really begin to feel like we’re on our own. (Submitted during Week 3)

Clouds over the Tower Bridge

We all know the stereotype that London’s weather is always dreary and cloudy, and this picture does no good to combat that belief. However, the weather so far has been great when going out to explore the city. At times, the weather reminded me a lot of Delaware’s climate, which I found comforting as I started to feel a little homesick. On this day, the CAPA team took us on a bus ride throughout the city to take a glance at some of the famous landmarks of London such as the Tower Bridge shown here. All of us in the program made sure we took numerous pictures of these legendary landmarks! (Submitted during Week 4)

It’s been a few weeks since I arrived in London so I’m starting to feel more comfortable with my daily commute to and from school. I’m fascinated by the fast-paced environment of London. In many ways, I felt like I was back on UD campus walking around the Trabant in between classes only on a much larger scale. Strangely, I had never known that the London Eye and Big Ben were so close to each other that they could fit in the same photo! There will always be pictures and movies of Big Ben, but becoming part of the daily flow of such iconic sights made me feel as if I was truly accepting them into my life. I am starting to feel as if London is a second home. (Submitted during Week 5)